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About Us

Why promotional products?

Promotional Products are the underlying mechanic in any strategic marketing activity. They offer a cost effective medium with which to increase the exposure of your brand, corporate message or marketing message linking ATL and BTL strategies. This is why selecting the right product for your activity is critical. Here at Premier Merchandise we will guide you through the most suitable products for your specific needs.

Branded products can be used for a wide range of business events, including corporate conferences, charities, exhibitions, trade shows, award nights and many more!

The strongest reason behind Branded Merchandise's effectiveness, is that they are tangible. On average, consumers keep hold of their promotional items for 11 months and over time they will generate a sizable average of 4325 impressions over their lifetime. Furthermore the cost per impression (CPI) is significantly cheaper with promotional products compared to any other form of advertising.

About us

Premier Merchandise is the brainchild of 4 partners, combining each of their unique life and business prowess to build a new enterprise that encapsulates all their experience, knowledge and strengths to benefit their customers and provide an unparalleled end user experience. With experience in procurement for multi national entities, managing global brand campaigns and building businesses from the ground up Premier Merchandise are uniquely positioned to service your promotional merchandise requirements.

Utilising their long standing industry relationships and sourcing expertise Premier Merchandise have access to an unrivalled supply chain enabling them to provide their customers with first class prices, service and buying experience that can not be found elsewhere.

Why Choose Us?

Here at Premier Merchandise our top priority is to live up to our well recognised premier expectations; our wide selection of products is unmatched and our large range of suppliers allows us to source near enough anything you can possibly think of with over 40,000 products available, all at the highest quality.

We don’t just specialise in industries, we specialise in individuals. Our expert account managers will create a bespoke experience for you and help you with your merchandising needs.

The reason our clients love us at Premier Merchandise is that you’re treated as an individual rather than simply a number on the system. Our customers know we won’t rest until they are 100% satisfied with us and our services.

Our in-house design team brings our customers' ideas to life; the design team can have visuals made up rapidly in order to speed up the process if our customers are working with a rapidly encroaching due date.

Premier merchandise, as a company, are highly vouched for as being very transparent, and open with our processes and pricing. We make sure there are no hidden costs along the ordering process of your promotional goods and that all customers' order journeys are as smooth as possible.